About Me



I’m a person who is often described as, “unexciteable.” On any given day, I’m operating at a very neutral baseline. Dipping below that line was easier than rising above it but as long as I wasn’t depressed, I was content. I was just sort of in a rut, a rut I knew intimately, a rut that had become my norm. One day, my coworker used the words, “It doesn’t move me,” to describe whatever we were discussing and my immediate thought was that nothing moved me. But that didn’t feel quite right.

I feel things. I feel things quite deeply but my feelings flit around at a frequency that is sometimes hard to follow, even for me. With that intangible frequency came the inability to connect and that feeling of disconnect left me feeling hollow and grasping to fill those spaces but not knowing how. Then it hit me one day… I just had to pay attention.

Awareness was always something I prided myself on. I’ve always felt like I had a good grasp on who I was and who everyone else was. I just needed to use that awareness in a different way. I needed to be mindful and take note of the way the world affected me. Write it down. Connect to it. Share it.

And then I remembered that I had this blog. Now, I hadn’t written on this blog in over three years but I remembered it being something that I enjoyed keeping up. I talk about this in Let’s Try This Again. So, I gave some thought to how I wanted to revive Sheree’s Brand and I knew it couldn’t just be funny, light pieces based on conversations  I had over frozen yogurt and wine anymore.

It needed to be more.

So, that’s what I’m doing here. Building connections. Being mindful. Opening up. Sharing. Doing more.

And speaking of sharing, here’s a little about me:

My name is Sheree and I’m a 28 year old (#millennial) professional working in higher education. I graduated, what feels like eons ago, from college with a double major in biology and psychology and like most people- do not use either of those things in my current career. I love music and honestly think it’s one of the few things that moves me, movies, art (looking at it and making it), affordable fashion, writing, and reading- I LOVE reading. I think of myself as minimally socially and environmentally conscious in that everything I learned comes from Instagram (I’m mostly kidding) . I like to keep things light and fun but with age comes wisdom and I’ve learned that not everything can be shits and giggles. I make inappropriate jokes about serious things and laugh when I shouldn’t. Small, random things make me smile (like chipmunks) and for some reason, I’ve always felt like I was supposed to be a musician.

If you’ve ever found yourself in your late 20s, struggling to connect with the world, read on.